General Information

Welcome to RDHPCS CommonDocs – Information and procedures that pertain across all RDHPCS systems.

The RDHPCS Maintenance Downtime Calendar has events for NESCC (Hera, HPSS, Niagara), Jet, Boulder and Princeton Bastions, and other RDHPCS system downtimes. View the Calendar

You must be logged in to your NOAA Gmail account to see the calendar.

RDHPCS Platforms

Climate Modeling and Research System (CMRS) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory More Information

Predicting high-impact weather events More Information

Hurricane Forecast Improvement Program (HFIP) More Information

Collaborative resource for data transfer More Information

High-performance Computing collaboration with Mississippi State University (MSU) More Information

Platform to create and use HPC computatational clusters on an as-needed basis. More Information


You must be logged in to your NOAA Google account to view the documents.