

Current Status

We now allow all users and projects to run Singularity Containers on Hera, Hera-FGE, Jet, and Niagara.

Although this allows users to run Singularity Containers, we currently do not support the following items:

  • RDHPCS Build Environment for creating new Containers

  • Any new RDHPCS services (i.e. Revision Control, Registries, Mirrors, Etc.) for supporting Containers


A container is a standard unit of software that packages up code and all its dependencies so the application runs quickly and reliably from one computing environment to another. Containers are also popular solutions to run the applications in the cloud environment. The main feature is the portability. Container images become Containers at run-time.


As both existing and new NOAA projects endeavor to build software tools and solutions that are portable across many HPC sites and architectures, it is important that the RDHPCS program be proactive in providing necessary tools to support these projects. One such solution for allowing users to accomplish this goal is with the use of containers. Through the use of containers, software developers can build their stack and create encapsulated run-time environments which may be distributed to their user base. This greatly minimizes the need for users to have to worry about software dependencies and user environment.

Supported RDHPCS Container Solutions

Although the leading Container solution across the entire Container community is Docker, Docker is not a viable solution for High Performance Computing (HPC) systems. There are security issues surrounding Docker which make it infeasible for HPC systems. Considering the possible security issue and capabilities to run the weather model across the nodes, NOAA’s RDHPC systems chose Singularity as a platform for users to test and run models within Containers.

Limitation, Exception and Liability

One such exception in regards to software dependencies issues, is within HPC where parallel programs require a Message Passing Interface (MPI) library for communication across distributed tasks. Although there is ongoing work to provide compatibility between different MPI solutions, there is still a need to build Containers with a matching flavor and in some cases, version of an MPI implementation.

Building the Container image usually requires root permission, which has to be implemented by users on other platforms. NOAA RDHPCS does not currently provide this service/permission to our users. Users have to create the images outside of RDHPCS and copy them to the R&D HPC systems to run with Singularity.

It is user’s responsibility to make sure that the images downloaded from internet or created by the user will not violate the NOAA RDHPCS security policy.

By default, RDHPCS firewall block access to external Container repositories. If you would like to request access to an external repository, please submit a help ticket.


Singularity is a container solution created by necessity for scientific and application driven workloads. It was originally developed by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBL).

Please note that there is a fork in the development of singularity into two projects, Apptainer and SingularityCE. At the present time we are using the singularity-ce solution.

Please refer to the Singularity documentation for additional information than what is presented here. The Apptainer documentation and Docker documentation may provide useful information.

How to create images

Creating images from Singularity or Docker needs superuser permissions. For security reasons, this service is not currently allowed on NOAA’s R&D HPC systems. Users either need to download available images online or build their own images on other platforms, and then run them on NOAA’s R&D HPC systems. For image building, please refer to the related documents for Singularity or Docker. Existing Docker images can be converted to Singularity images and then run on NOAA’s R&D HPC systems.


As with any model source code, we expect our users to download container images from reputable sources and to fully understand the contents of the Container prior to running it on R&D HPC systems.

Download Singularity containers

Docker Hub and Singularity Hub have dynamic images. The singularity images can be downloaded or converted from Docker images outside of RDHPCS. This can be done with Singularity using singularity build lolcow.simg shub://GodloveD/lolcow where lolcow.simg is the name of the Singularity image file, and shub://GodloveD/lolcow is the Singularity Hub container to download.

Convert Docker container to Singularity

You can convert Docker containers to a Singularity image and then run it on R&D HPC systems. Currently the Docker Hub is not opened on the R&D HPC systems. You need to do the conversion externally and then copy the image back to R&D HPC systems.

$ singularity build lolcow.simg docker://godlovedc/lolcow

Build containers

On external platforms, ones which you have the root permission. Follow the build documentation for Singularity. In brief, given an singularity recipe file called Singularity_recipe, run the command sudo singularity build lolcow.simg Singularity_recipe to build the image.


You must have sudo/root permissions on the system where you build the container image. As mentioned, users are not granted permission to build container images on the NOAA R&D HPCS systems.

Use an existing image file

If you already have the image files on other machines, you can simply copy it to the target machine, and use it there.

Run a Single Node or Single Core Containers

Follow the Singularity documentation. Here is an example to run the Singularity image hydro.simg.

$ singularity run hydro.simg echo "hello world"

Run an MPI-dependent container

The MPI application requires the match of the MPI software between the container and target machine. Refer to Singularity documentation for compatibility.

Using a container to compile a model

To build a model within a container, the container must have the compiler and all required libraries and library headers. An easy way to accomplish this, is to launch an interactive shell in the container, and build the model as is typilcally done on any system.

$ singularity exec container_image.simg bash

Using a container to run a parallel job

Here is an example Slurm run script to run the wrf model with 512 MPI tasks. In this example, the wrf.exe` file is not included in the hydro.simg image file. The wrf.exe and hydro.simg files are all in the working directory of the run.

#!/bin/sh -l
#SBATCH --job-name=singularity_wrf
#SBATCH --ntasks=512
#SBATCH --tasks-per-node=24
#SBATCH --time=06:00:00
#SBATCH --partition=mypartition
#SBATCH --qos batch
#SBATCH --account=myaccount
#SBATCH --error=singluarity_wrf.out

srun singularity exec hydro.simg ./wrf.exe


The hydro.simg and wrf.exe are under the same directory. Under the running directory, you will not have the soft links from other directories.

Container help, questions, and guidance

The R&D HPCS system administrators and help staff have very little knowledge on using containers on HPC systems. Open a help request to what help can be offered. However, you will likely find your fellow scientists and the greater container communities have better knowledge for your specific Singularityimage/application.