RSA Tokens
Hardware fob |
Android App |
Apple App |
RSA tokens provide multi-factor authentication (MFA) for NOAA RDHPCS systems. With the widespread adaption of smart phones, it is preferred that users install the RSA SecurID app on their device. Hardware fobs are available on request, but expect a several week lead time.
As part of obtaining a NOAA RDHPCS Account, you will request an RSA token, and follow the below steps to activate or configure it.
The token code displayed on the fob or app is a single use code. Do not re-use a token code; wait for it to change.
RSA Hardware Token Instructions
If you have been allocated a hardware token, confirm receipt by opening a helpdesk ticket. Send an email from your account to Use a subject of ‘First.Last: Enable token’ (replace First.Last with your First Last NOAA username). Once enabled, proceed with the activation steps below.
Requesting a new or replacement RSA token
New users: Submit the RSA token request form
1. Access the RDHPCS AIM site and follow the link labeled Make a request for an RSA token. Make sure you are logged into Google with your NOAA.GOV credentials, and fill out the form.
If you have problems logging into AIM, you are probably a new or returning NOAA user and need to set up the NOAA MFA (Multi Factor Authentication). Please try logging into the NOAA Staff Directory and contact your local I/T support people if you cannot login.
2. Open an OTRS ticket. Send email to, with the subject of ‘First.Last: Token for new device’ (replace First.Last with your First Last NOAA username).
Current users: Replacement token for a new smart phone
Log into the RSA User self-service console.

Click request replacement. The Request Replacement window displays.

Complete the replacement request.
You can set the RSA pin to the same number you currently use.
Click Submit Request. A confirmation window displays.
You will receive email confirming your request. When the request is approved, you will receive a second email containing token information.
Follow the instructions on this page, rather than those in the email, to activate the token.
Activate your Software Token
1. Log into the RSA User self-service console. The Account display will identify your software token as either CTF or CT-KIP format. Follow these instructions to activate a CTF Token or CT-KIP Token.
CTF Token
If your token is set up as a CTF format, you’ll see this on the RSA user screen.

You will need to enter the information from your approval email into the RSA app. Then, you will go back into Web Tier to set your PIN.
After the distribution of CTF mode, the SW token is in RSA APP. Log on to the RSA User self-service console with your NOAA ID and the OTP code from your user email.

The PIN Required screen displays.

Set and confirm your PIN. This completes the process. If you have any problems, send email to to open a Helpdesk ticket.
CT-KIP Token
Log on to the RSA User self-service console with your NOAA ID. The token screen displays.

Click Activate Your Token. The Activate your Token screen displays.

On your personal device, open the RSA app. Scan the QR code from the display.
This completes the process. If you have any problems, send email to to open a Helpdesk ticket.
Scan the QR code If your token