
Sreport is used to generate reports of cluster utilization for jobs saved to the Slurm database. Sreport has the ability to provide CPU hours and job count for a given user and, or project. As of now, sreport does not provide a qos option for reports.

Sreport can display the following:

  • Total core-hours used per user

  • Total core-hours used per project

  • Number of jobs ran per user

  • Number of jobs ran per project

See man sreport for more details.

Use Cases


The default time format for reporting CPU usage is minutes. Use the -t Hours option to specify CPU Hours. The Used column is the number of CPU Minutes consumed over the period.

Usage Report for Specific Users

$ sreport cluster UserUtilizationByAccount -M <cluster> -t Hours Users=<user>

Usage Report for Account Utilization by User

$ sreport cluster AccountUtilizationByUser -M <cluster> -t Hours account=<account>

Usage Report for All Users

$ sreport cluster AccountUtilizationByUser -t Hours -M <cluster> Start=<YYYY-MM-DD>

Report Number of Jobs by a User

$ sreport job sizes PrintJobCount -M <cluster> Users=<user> account=<account>

Report Top Usage

$ sreport user TopUsage -M <cluster>

Report Descriptions and Formats

cluster AccountUtilizationByUser:

This report will display account utilization as it appears on the hierarchical tree. Starting with the root account by default this report will list the underlying usage with a sum on each level.

cluster UserUtilizationByAccount:

This report will display users by account in order of utilization without grouping multiple account by user into one, but displaying them on separate lines.

cluster UserUtilizationByWCKey:

This report will display users by wckey in order of utilization without grouping multiple wckey by user into one, but displaying them on separate lines.

job SizesByAccount:

This report will display the amount of time used for job ranges specified by the ‘grouping=’ option. Only a single level in the tree is displayed defaulting to the root dir. If you specify other accounts with the ‘account=’ option sreport will use those accounts as the root account and you will receive the aggregated totals of each listed account plus their sub accounts.

user TopUsage:

Displays the top users on a cluster, i.e. users with the highest usage. By default users are sorted by CPUTime, but the -T, –tres option will sort users by the first TRES specified. Use the group option to group accounts together.

Format Options for Cluster Reports


Accounts, Cluster, Login, Proper, TresCount, Used


Accounts, Cluster, Login, Proper, TresCount, Used


Cluster, Login, Proper, TresCount, Used, Wckey

Format Options for Job Reports


Account, Cluster


Account, Cluster


Wckey, Cluster

Time Formats

Use Start=<> and End=<> to collect usage from a specific period.

The default for Start is 00:00:00 of previous day. The default for End is 23:59:59 of previous day.

  • Valid Formats:

    • HH:MM[:SS] [AM|PM]

    • MMDD[YY] or MM/DD[/YY] or MM.DD[.YY]

    • MM/DD[/YY]-HH:MM[:SS]



Display CPU usage for August 2023 for account <account> on cluster <cluster>

$ sreport cluster AccountUtilizationByUser -M <cluster> -t Hours account=<account> Start=2023-08-01 End=2023-08-31
