Gaea Batch Job Overview
This simple overview explains the elements of a basic job in Gaea. It includes compiling, running, combining, data transfer, and allocation.
- As of 2024, this is dated information referencing Gaea system
versions that have been retired. Use this only as reference material until this document has been revised for the C5 and C6 generations and the GPFS filesystems.
Gaea offers PrgEnv-intel, Prg-Env-pgi, and several other modules that make it as easy as possible to get your programs running . PrgEnv-pgi is loaded by default. You compile by calling either cc or ftn, according to the language your code is written in. See Compilers for more detail, especially for compiling multithreaded applications.
You may either compile live in your login shell on a Gaea login node, or in a job in the eslogin queue in the es partition of Gaea’s batch system. To tell a job script to run on the login nodes, specify the following in your script:
#SBATCH --clusters=es
#SBATCH --partition=eslogin
#SBATCH --ntasks=1 `
or, from the sbatch command line:
sbatch --clusters=es --partition=eslogin --ntasks=1 /path/to/compile_script`
Once your executable is compiled and in place with your data on F2, you are ready to submit your compute job. Please submit your compute job to either c3 or c4.
#SBATCH --clusters=c3
#SBATCH --nodes=4
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=32 # Gaea charges for node use. Nodes are 32 cores on c3 and 36 core on c4.
This example will get charged for 4 nodes.
or, from the sbatch command line:
sbatch --clusters=c3 --nodes=4 --ntasks-per-node=32 /path/to/run_script
Your compute job script will run on one of the compute nodes allocated to your
job. To run your executable on them use the srun
. Your executable and data
must reside on F2 as only lustre filesystems are mounted on the compute nodes.
Also, your job’s PWD should be in F2 when you run srun
. A simple
example is shown below:
cd /lustre/f2/scratch/$USER/
srun --nodes=128 --ntasks-per-node=32 /lustre/f2/scratch/$USER/path/to/executable`
Staging data to and from model run directories is a common task on Gaea. So is combining model output when your model uses multiple output writers for scalability of your MPI communications. The Local Data Transfer Nodes (LDTNs) are the resource provided for these tasks. Please keep these tasks off of the c3/c4 compute clusters and eslogin nodes. There is a NOAA-developed tool called gcp which is available for data transfers on Gaea. To tell a job script to run on the LDTN nodes, specify the following in your script:
#SBATCH --clusters=es
#SBATCH --partition=ldtn
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1 #set ntasks-per-node to the number of cores your job will need, up to 16
or, from the sbatch command line:
sbatch --clusters=es --partition=ldtn --nodes=1 --ntasks-per-node=1 /path/to/staging_script
Transferring Data to/from Gaea
Data transfers between Gaea and the world outside of Gaea should be performed on the Remote Data Transfer Nodes (RDTNs). There is a NOAA-developed tool called gcp, which is available for data transfers on Gaea. HPSS users are only able to access HPSS from jobs on the RDTNs. To tell a job script to run on the login nodes, specify the following in your script:
#SBATCH --clusters=es
#SBATCH --partition=rdtn
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1 #set ntasks-per-node to the number of cores your job will need, up to 8
or, from the sbatch command line:
sbatch --clusters=es --partition=rdtn --nodes=1 --ntasks-per-node=1 /path/to/trasfer_script
Gaea users have default projects. If you are only a member of a single project, or if your experiments always run under your default project, you don’t need to do anything special to run. Users who are members of more than one project need to enter their preferred project via the –account option to sbatch to correctly charge to each experiment’s project.
You can use AIM to request access to new projects. Once access is
granted in AIM it can take up to two days to be reflected in Gaea’s
Slurm scheduler. If you still don’t have the granted access after two
days, please put in a help desk ticket so admins can investigate your
issue. To determine your Slurm account memberships, run the command:
sacctmgr list associations user=First.Last
To submit jobs to the scheduler under a specific account do the following from the sbatch command line:
sbatch --account=gfdl_z
or add the following to your job script’s #SBATCH headers:
#SBATCH --account=gfdl_z
Running a Simple Job
Here’s an example of a basic script to run on Gaea. It is a skeleton script for c1:c2 to help users who don’t have access to, or prefer not to use, a workflow manager. This script copies everything in the experiment subdirectory from ltfs to fs, runs the experiment, and then copies the changed and new files from fs to ltfs.
Running the Script
This script assumes that the data and executable are staged to
. The scripts and
data are located at /usw/user_scripts/
. Use gcp
to get the
skeleton script from /usw/user_scripts/c1_c2_skeleton
to your
local home directory:
gcp /usw/user_scripts/c1_c2_skeleton ~$USER/
Use gcp
to get other files from /usw/user_scripts/
to your f1 directory
gcp -r /usw/user_scripts/ /lustre/f1/$USER/c1_c2_skeleton
Open the skeleton script. (The comments in the script will help you understand what each item does.)
vim ~$USER/c1_c2_skeleton
Users MUST modify the paths in the ‘#PBS -d’ line and the walltime in the ‘#PBS -l walltime’ line. (i.e /lustre/f1/First.Last/ for -d, and walltime can be set to 20 min for this tutorial) WARNING do not use environment variables like $USER in setting the directory as it will not be available at run time for the script now go to your home directory and submit your job msub c1_c2_skeleton
Once the job is submitted
Once the job is submitted, you can use these commands to check on your job: To view the status of your job
showq -u $USER
The -c
flag will show jobs that have completed with exit codes
showq -u $USER -c
To to check a detailed status of your job replace “jobid” with your job’s id. For example: checkjob gaea.123456789. Additionally you add an option, -v, to get more information. checkjob jobid
Once the job is Finished
Once your job is finished you will have a output file in your directory /lustre/f1/$USER You should have a log file (ex. c1_c2_skeleton_gaea.8279963) You should have a folder with the output files (ex.