Gaea User Guide


System Overview

Gaea is a NOAA Research and Development High-Performance Computing System (RDHPCS) operated by the National Climate-Computing Research Center (NCRC). The NCRC is located within the National Center for Computational Sciences (NCCS) at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). The NCRC is a collaborative effort between the Department of Energy and the National Atmospheric and Oceanic Administration.

The Gaea System consists of two HPE-Cray EX 3000 systems, referred to as C5 and C6. Two high-capacity parallel file systems provide over 150 petabytes of fast access storage. The center-wide filesystem is connected using FDR InfiniBand to the center’s compute and data-transfer resources. The aggregate Gaea system contains a peak calculating capability greater than 20 petaflops (quadrillion floating point operations per second).

NOAA research partners access data remotely through fast interconnections to NOAA’s national research network through peering points at Atlanta and Chicago.


  • HPE-EX Cray X3000

  • 1,920 compute nodes (2 x AMD EPYC 7H12 2.6GHz 64-cores per socket)

  • HPE Slingshot Interconnect

  • 264GB DDR4 per node; 500TB total

  • 10.22 PF peak

F5 File System

  • IBM Spectrum Scale

  • 75 PB

  • IBM Elastic Storage Server 3500 running GPFS 5.1


  • HPE-EX Cray X3000

  • 1,520 compute nodes (2 x AMD EPYC 9654 2.4GHz base 96-cores per socket)

  • HPE Slingshot Interconnect

  • 384GB DDR4 per node; 584TB total

  • 11.21 PF peak (base)


  • IBM Spectrum Scale

  • 75 PB

  • IBM Elastic Storage Server 3500 running GPFS 5.1

Gaea is the largest of the four NOAA RDHPCS, and is used to study the earth’s notoriously complex climate from a variety of angles by enabling scientists:

  • to understand the relationship between climate change and extreme weather, and the atmosphere’s chemical makeup and climate

  • to investigate the climate role played by the oceans that cover nearly three-quarters of the globe.

Node types

Gaea has three node types: login (front-end, head-node) compute, and data transfer nodes (DTN). The three node types are similar in terms of hardware, but differ in their intended use.

Node Type


Login / Front / Head

You are placed on a login node when you connect to Gaea. This is where you write, edit, and compile your code, manage data submit jobs, etc. You should not launch parallel or threaded jobs from a login node. Login nodes are shared resources.


Most of the nodes on Gaea are compute nodes. Your parallel and threaded jobs execute on the compute nodes, via the srun command.


The DTNs have F5 and F6 file systems mounted. This is where extensive I/O operations, large local, and all off-gaea transfers should be done. These nodes are accessible via the es cluster and the dtn_f5_f6 partition.

Compute nodes

Gaea consists of two clusters, C5 and C6.

The C5 compute nodes consist of [2x] 64 core AMD EPYC Zen 2 CPUs, with two hardware threads per physical core and 256 GiB of physical memory (2 GiB per core). C5 supports up to the AVX-2 ISA.


Each C5 compute node has a total of 128 cores, in eight NUMA domains per node. Each group of four cores share an 16 MB L3 cache. Each CPU has eight lanes to the shared 256 GiB of node memory.

The C6 compute nodes consist of [2x] 96 core AMD EPYC Zen 4 CPUs, with two hardware threads per physical core and 384 GiB of physical memory (2 GiB per core). C6 support up to the AVX-512 ISA.


Each C6 compute node has a total of 192 cores, in eight NUMA domains per node. Each group of six cores share a 48 MB L3 cache. Each CPU has 12 lanes to the shared 384 GiB of physical memory (2 GiB per core).

Login nodes

The Gaea login nodes have a similar architecture to the compute nodes. Each compute cluster has a dedicated set of login nodes.

Host Names

Node Configuration

Associated Compute Cluster


2x AMD EPYC 7662 64-core (128 cores per node) with 512 GiB of memory per node



2x AMD EPYC 9654 96-core (192 cores per node) with 512 GiB of memory per node


Data transfer nodes

All extensive I/O operations, large local transfers and all off-gaea transfers should be done on a data transfer node (DTN). The DTNs are accessible on the es cluster, under the dtn_f5_f6 partition.

The DTNs are the only systems that have both the f5 and f6 mounted.

Host Names

Node Configuration

File Systems Mounted


AMD EPYC 7302 16-core with 256 GiB of memory per node


System interconnect

The C5 and C6 nodes are connected with the HPE Slingshot.



Total Bandwidth


[2x] HPE Slingshot 100 Gbps (12.5 GB/s)

200 Gbps


[1x] HPE Slingshot 200 Gbps (25.0 GB/s)

200 Gbps

File systems

Gaea compute clusters C5 and C6 have their own file system. C5 has access to F5 mounted at /gpfs/f5. C6 has access to /gpfs/f6. The DTNs can access both /gpfs/f5 and /gpfs/f6.

Operating system

The C5 and C6 clusters run the Cray OS operating system. Cray OS is based on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES).


Cray OS Version

SLES Version







See also

HPE Cray EX Documentation

Documentation specific for the HPE Cray EX 3000 compute system.

HPE Cray Programming Environment

Documentation that covers the HPE Cray Programming Environment.


To connect to Gaea, ssh to For example,

$ ssh <First.Last>

For more information on connecting through the Boulder or Princeton bastion, with a CAC, or for your first connection, see Connecting.

By default, the bastion will automatically place a user on a random Gaea C5 login node. If you need to access a specific login node on C6, when prompted enter Ctrl-C and type the name of a login node or gaea6 for a random C6 login node:

$ ssh <First.Last>
Last login: Wed Sep 11 17:20:24 2024 from

Welcome to the NOAA RDHPCS.

Attempting to renew your proxy certificate...Proxy certificate has 720:00:00  (30.0 days) left.

        Welcome to
Gateway to and other points beyond

!! RDHPCS Policy states that all user login sessions shall be terminated     !!
!! after a maximum duration of seven (7) days. ALL user login sessions will  !!
!! be dropped from the Princeton Bastions at 4AM ET / 2AM MT each Monday     !!
!! morning, regardless of the duration. Please note: This will NOT impact    !!
!! batch jobs, cron scripts, screen sessions, remote desktop, or data        !!
!! transfers.                                                                !!

Hostname            Description
gaea                C5 head nodes
gaea51              C5 head node
gaea52              C5 head node
gaea53              C5 head node
gaea54              C5 head node
gaea55              C5 head node
gaea56              C5 head node
gaea57              C5 head node
gaea58              C5 head node
gaea60              T6 Test access only
gaea61              C6 head node
gaea62              C6 head node
gaea63              C6 head node
gaea64              C6 head node
gaea65              C6 head node
gaea66              C6 head node
gaea67              C6 head node
gaea68              C6 head node

You will now be connected to NOAA RDHPCS: Gaea (CMRS/NCRC) C5 system.
To select a specific host, hit ^C within 5 seconds.
^CEnter a hostname, or a unique portion of a hostname []:

Data and storage

NFS file systems

Users and projects are given space on the NFS. These locations are ideal for storing user and project applications, executables, and small data files.







On Compute Nodes

User Home


User set

50 GB




Project Home


Project set

100 GB




GPFS file systems

Each compute cluster, C5 and C6, has its own file system called F5 and F6 respectively, mounted at /gpfs/f5 and /gpfs/f6.







On compute nodes

F5 Member Work


User set




C5 only

F5 Project Work






C5 only

F5 World Work






C5 only

F6 Member Work


User set




C6 only

F6 Project Work






C6 only

F6 World Work






C6 only

Move data to and from Gaea

The suggested way to move data to and from Gaea is Globus Online. Please review the additional information in Globus Online Data Transfer and Globus Example.

Please review Transferring Data for information on other transfer methods available.

Programming environment

Gaea users are provided with many pre-installed software packages and scientific libraries. Environment management tools are used to handle necessary changes to the shell.

Please refer to the HPE Cray Programming Environment documentation for specifics.

Environment Modules

Environment modules are provided through Lmod, a Lua-based module system for dynamically altering shell environments. By managing changes to the shell’s environment variables (such as PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, and PKG_CONFIG_PATH), Lmod allows you to alter the software available in your shell environment without the risk of creating package and version combinations that cannot coexist in a single environment.

General Usage

The interface to Lmod is provided by the module command:



module -t list

Shows a terse list of the currently loaded modules

module avail

Shows a table of the currently available modules

module help <modulename>

Shows help information about <modulename>

module show <modulename>

Shows the environment changes made by the <modulename> module file

module spider <string>

Searches all possible modules according to <string>

module load <modulename> [...]

Loads the given <modulename>(s) into the current environment

module use <path>

Adds <path> to the module file search cache and MODULESPATH

module unuse <path>

Removes <path> from the module file search cache and MODULESPATH

module purge

Unloads all modules

module reset

Resets loaded modules to system defaults

module update

Reloads all currently loaded modules

Searching for Modules

Modules with dependencies are only available when the underlying dependencies, such as compiler families, are loaded. Thus, module avail will only display modules that are compatible with the current state of the environment. To search the entire hierarchy across all possible dependencies, the spider sub-command can be used as summarized in the following table.



module spider

Shows the entire possible graph of modules

module spider <modulename>

Searches for modules named <modulename> in the graph of possible modules

module spider <modulename>/<version>

Searches for a specific version of <modulename> in the graph of possible modules

module spider <string>

Searches for modulefiles containing <string>


Cray, AMD, NVIDIA, and GCC compilers are provided through modules on Gaea. There is also a system/OS versions of GCC available in /usr/bin. The table below lists details about each of the module-provided compilers. Please see the Compiling section for more detailed information on how using these modules to compile.


The MPI implementation available on Gaea is Cray’s MPICH.



Cray, AMD, NVIDIA, and GCC compilers are provided through modules on Gaea. There is also a system/OS version of GCC available in /usr/bin. The table below lists details about each of the module-provided compilers.


It is highly recommended to use the Cray compiler wrappers (cc, CC, and ftn) whenever possible. See the next section for more details.


Programming Environment

Compiler Module


Compiler Wrapper






















craycxx or crayCC





























































The gcc-native compiler module was introduced in the December 2023 release of the HPE/Cray Programming Environment (CrayPE) and replaces gcc. gcc provides GCC installations that were packaged within CrayPE, while gcc-native provides GCC installations outside of CrayPE.

Cray programming environment and compiler wrappers

Cray provides PrgEnv-<compiler> modules (for example, PrgEnv-cray) that load compatible components of a specific compiler toolchain. The components include the specified compiler as well as MPI, LibSci, and other libraries. Loading the PrgEnv-<compiler> modules also defines a set of compiler wrappers for that compiler toolchain that automatically add include paths and link in libraries for Cray software. Compiler wrappers are provided for C (cc), C++ (CC), and Fortran (ftn).

For example, to load the Intel programming environment do:

$ module load PrgEnv-intel

This module will setup your programming environment with paths to software and libraries that are compatible with Intel host compilers.


Use the -craype-verbose compiler flag to display the full include and link information used by the Cray compiler wrappers. This must be called on a file, for example CC -craype-verbose test.cpp.

Running jobs

Computational work on Gaea is performed by jobs. Jobs typically consist of several components:

  • A batch submission script

  • A binary executable

  • A set of input files for the executable

  • A set of output files created by the executable

In general, the process for running a job is:

  1. prepare executables and input files

  2. write a batch script

  3. submit the batch script to the batch scheduler

  4. optionally monitor the job before and during execution

The following sections describe in detail how to create, submit, and manage jobs for execution on Frontier. Frontier uses SchedMD’s Slurm Workload Manager as the batch scheduling system.

Login vs Compute Nodes

Recall from the System Overview that Gaea contains two node types: Login and Compute. When you connect to the system, you are placed on a login node. Login nodes are used for tasks such as code editing, compiling, etc. They are shared among all users of the system, so it is not appropriate to run tasks that are long or computationally intensive on login nodes. Users should also limit the number of simultaneous tasks on login nodes (e.g. concurrent tar commands, parallel make).

Compute nodes are the appropriate place for long-running, computationally-intensive tasks. When you start a batch job, your batch script (or interactive shell for batch-interactive jobs) runs on one of your allocated compute nodes.


Compute-intensive, memory-intensive, or other disruptive processes running on login nodes may be killed without warning.


Gaea uses SchedMD‘s Slurm Workload Manager to schedule and manage jobs. A few items related to Slurm are below. See our local Slurm overview or the official Slurm documentation for more information.

Slurm documentation is also available for each command via the man utility, and on the web at

See also

Slurm documentation

The official SchedMD Slurm documentation.

Batch Scripts

The most common way to interact with the batch system is via batch scripts. A batch script is simply a shell script with added directives to request various resources from or provide certain information to the scheduling system. Aside from these directives, the batch script is simply the series of commands needed to set up and run your job.

To submit a batch script, use the command sbatch, where is the bach script.

Consider the following batch script:

 2#SBATCH -M c5
 4#SBATCH -J RunSim123
 5#SBATCH -o %x-%j.out
 6#SBATCH -t 1:00:00
 7#SBATCH -p batch
 8#SBATCH -N 1024
10cd /gpfs/f5/${SBATCH_ACCOUNT}/scratch/$USER/abc123/Run.456
11cp /gpfs/f5/${SBATCH_ACCOUNT/proj-shared/abc123/RunData/Input.456 ./Input.456
12srun ...
13cp my_output_file /gpfs/f5/${SBATCH_ACCOUNT}/proj-shared/abc123/RunData/Output.456

In the script, Slurm directives are preceded by #SBATCH, making them appear as comments to the shell. Slurm looks for these directives through the first non-comment, non-whitespace line. Options after that will be ignored by Slurm (and the shell).




Shell interpreter line


Gaea cluster to use


RDHPCS project to charge


Job name


Job standard output file (%x will be replaced with the job name and %j with the Job ID)


Walltime requested (in HH:MM:SS format). See the table below for other formats.


Partition (queue) to use


Number of compute nodes requested


Blank line


Change into the run directory


Copy the input file into place


Run the job ( add layout details )


Copy the output file to an appropriate location.

Interactive Jobs

Most users will find batch jobs an easy way to use the system, as they allow you to “hand off” a job to the scheduler, allowing them to focus on other tasks while their job waits in the queue and eventually runs. Occasionally, it is necessary to run interactively, especially when developing, testing, modifying or debugging a code.

Since all compute resources are managed and scheduled by Slurm, you can’t simply log into the system and immediately begin running parallel codes interactively. Rather, you must request the appropriate resources from Slurm and, if necessary, wait for them to become available. This is done through an “interactive batch” job. Interactive batch jobs are submitted with the salloc command. You request resources using the same options that are passed via #SBATCH in a regular batch script (but without the #SBATCH prefix). For example, to request an interactive batch job with the same resources that the batch script above requests, you would use salloc -A ABC123 -J RunSim123 -t 1:00:00 -p batch -N 1024. Note there is no option for an output file if you are running interactively, so standard output and standard error will be displayed to the terminal.


Indicating your shell in your salloc command, for example salloc ... /bin/bash, is NOT recommended. This will cause your compute job to start on a login node, rather than automatically moving you to a compute node.

Common Slurm Options

The table below summarizes options for submitted jobs. Unless otherwise noted, they can be used for either batch scripts or interactive batch jobs. For scripts, they can be added on the sbatch command line or as a #SBATCH directive in the batch script. (If they’re specified in both places, the command line takes precedence.) This is only a subset of all available options. Check the Slurm Man Pages for a more complete list.


Example Usage




Specifies the project to which the job should be charged


#SBATCH -N 1024

Request 1024 nodes for the job


#SBATCH -t 4:00:00

Request a walltime of 4 hours. Walltime requests can be specified as minutes, hours:minutes, hours:minutes:seconds, days-hours, days-hours:minutes, or days-hours:minutes:seconds


#SBATCH --threads-per-core=2

Number of active hardware threads per core. Can be 1 or 2 (1 is default).

Must be used if using --threads-per-core=2 in your srun command.


#SBATCH -d afterok:12345

Specify job dependency (in this example, this job cannot start until job 12345 exits with an exit code of 0. See the Job Dependency section for more information.


#SBATCH -J MyJob123

Specify the job name (this will show up in queue listings)


#SBATCH -o jobout.%j

File where job STDOUT will be directed (%j will be replaced with the job ID). If no -e option is specified, job STDERR will be placed in this file, too.


#SBATCH -e joberr.%j

File where job STDERR will be directed (%j will be replaced with the job ID). If no -o option is specified, job STDOUT will be placed in this file, too.


#SBATCH --mail-type=END

Send email for certain job actions. Can be a comma-separated list. Actions include BEGIN, END, FAIL, REQUEUE, INVALID_DEPEND, STAGE_OUT, ALL, and more.



Email address to be used for notifications.


#SBATCH --reservation=MyReservation.1

Instructs Slurm to run a job on nodes that are part of the specified re reservation



Instructs Slurm to reserve a specific number of cores per node (default is 8). Reserved cores cannot be used by the application.


#SBATCH --signal=USR1@300

Send the given signal to a job the specified time (in seconds) seconds before the job reaches its walltime. The signal can be by name or by number (i.e. both 10 and USR1 would send SIGUSR1).

Signaling a job can be used, for example, to force a job to write a checkpoint just before Slurm kills the job (note that this option only sends the signal; the user must still make sure their job script traps the signal and handles it in the desired manner).

When used with sbatch, the signal can be prefixed by “B:” (e.g. --signal=B:USR1@300) to tell Slurm to signal only the batch shell; otherwise all processes will be signaled.

Slurm Environment Variables

Slurm reads a number of environment variables, many of which can provide the same information as the job options noted above. We recommend using the job options rather than environment variables to specify job options, as it allows you to have everything self-contained within the job submission script, instead than having to remember what options you set for a given job.

Slurm also provides a number of environment variables within your running job. The following table summarizes those that may be particularly useful within your job:




The directory from which the batch job was submitted. By default, a new job starts in your home directory. You can get back to the directory of job submission with cd $SLURM_SUBMIT_DIR. Note that this is not necessarily the same directory in which the batch script resides.


The account name supplied by the user.


The job’s full identifier. A common use for $SLURM_JOBID is to append the job’s ID to the standard output and error files.


The number of nodes requested.


The job name supplied by the user.


The list of nodes assigned to the job.

Job States

A job will transition through several states during its lifetime. Common ones include:

State Code





The job was canceled (could’ve been by the user or an administrator)



The job completed successfully (exit code 0)



The job is in the process of completing (some processes may still be running)



The job is waiting for resources to be allocated



The job is currently running

Job Reason Codes

In addition to state codes, jobs that are pending will have a reason code to explain why the job is pending. Completed jobs will have a reason describing how the job ended. Some codes you might see include:




Job has dependencies that have not been met


Job is held at user’s request


Job is held at system administrator’s request


Other jobs with higher priority exist for the partition/reservation


The job is waiting for its reservation to become available


The job is being held because the user/project has hit the limit on running jobs


The job requested a particular node, but it’s currently unavailable (it’s in use, reserved, down, draining, etc.)


Job failed to launch (could due to system problems, invalid program name, etc.)


The job exited with some code other than 0

Many other states and job reason codes exist. For a more complete description, see the squeue(1) man page.

Scheduling Policy

In a simple batch queue system, jobs run in a first-in, first-out (FIFO) order. This can lead to inefficient use of the system. If a large job is the next to run, a strict FIFO queue can cause nodes to sit idle while waiting for the large job to start. Backfilling would allow smaller, shorter jobs to use those resources that would otherwise remain idle until the large job starts. With the proper algorithm, they would do so without impacting the start time of the large job. While this does make more efficient use of the system, it encourages the submission of smaller jobs.

Job priority

Slurm on Gaea uses the Slurm priority/multifactor plugin to calculate a job’s priority. The factors used are:


the length of time a job has been waiting in the queue, eligible to be scheduled


the difference between the portion of the computing resources that has been promised (allocation) and the amount of resources that has been consumed. Gaea uses the classic fairshare algorithm


a factor associated with each Quality Of Service (QOS)


Only the QOSes on the compute clusters will affect a job’s priority value.


Priority Factor

Usage Factor

Max Walltime





16 hours

The default QOS for compute cluster jobs




1 hour

The highest priority QOS. Useful for short, non-production work.




16 hours

QOS to allow groups to prioritize their project’s jobs




16 hours

Lowest priority as only age and fair-share are used in priority calculation. The windfall QOS will also keep jobs from affecting the project’s overall fair-share


Interactive jobs, that is jobs started with the salloc command, will have the QOS interactive automatically added unless the --qos option is used. The interactive QOS has the same priority factor as the debug QOS. However, users can only have a single Interactive job at any time.


The priority and usage factors for all QOSes can be found using the command sacctmgr show qos format=name,priority,usagefactor,maxwall.

The command sprio can be used to see the current priority, and the age, fair-share, and qos factors for a specific jobs.

The command sshare will show the current shares (allocation), usage, and fair-share factors for all projects (allocations).












C5 and C6






Default for jobs under the max node count.






Default for jobs above the minimum node count. This partition is only enabled after a system maintenance. Please alert the HD if you need to run a job in this partition.







These jobs will run on the C5 login nodes.






These jobs will run on the C6 login nodes.






These jobs will run on the DTN nodes. The DTN nodes have both F5 and F6 mounted.






Required partition for jobs run under scron on the C5 login nodes.






Required partition for jobs run under scron on the C6 login nodes.


The partition information above, and additional information can be listed using the scontrol --cluster <cluster> show partition where <cluster> is the name of one of the available clusters.

Job Dependencies

Frequently, a job will need data from some other job in the queue, but it’s nonetheless convenient to submit the second job before the first finishes. Slurm allows you to submit a job with constraints that will keep it from running until these dependencies are met. These are specified with the -d option to Slurm. Common dependency flags are summarized below. In each of these examples, only a single jobid is shown but you can specify multiple job IDs as a colon-delimited list (i.e. #SBATCH -d afterok:12345:12346:12346). For the after dependency, you can optionally specify a +time value for each jobid.


Meaning (for the dependent job)

#SBATCH -d after:jobid[+time]

The job can start after the specified jobs start or are canceled. The optional +time argument is a number of minutes. If specified, the job cannot start until that many minutes have passed since the listed jobs start/are canceled. If not specified, there is no delay.

#SBATCH -d afterany:jobid

The job can start after the specified jobs have ended (regardless of exit state)

#SBATCH -d afternotok:jobid

The job can start after the specified jobs terminate in a failed (non-zero) state

#SBATCH -d afterok:jobid

The job can start after the specified jobs complete successfully (i.e. zero exit code)

#SBATCH -d singleton

Job can begin after any previously-launched job with the same name and from the same user have completed. In other words, serialize the running jobs based on username+jobname pairs.

Monitoring and modifying batch jobs

Holding and releasing jobs

Sometimes you may need to place a hold on a job to keep it from starting. For example, you may have submitted it assuming some needed data was in place but later realized that data is not yet available. You can do this with the scontrol hold command. Later, when the data is ready, you can release the job (i.e. tell the system that it’s now OK to run the job) with the scontrol release command. For example:

scontrol hold 12345

Place job 12345 on hold

scontrol release 12345

Release job 12345 (i.e. tell the system it’s OK to run it)

Changing job parameters

There may also be occasions where you want to modify a job that’s waiting in the queue. For example, perhaps you requested 2,000 nodes but later realized this is a different data set and only needs 1,000 nodes. You can use the scontrol update command for this. For example:

scontrol update NumNodes=1000 JobID=12345

Change job 12345’s node request to 1000 nodes

scontrol update TimeLimit=4:00:00 JobID=12345

Change job 12345’s max walltime to 4 hours

Cancel or signal a job

In addition to the --signal option for the sbatch/salloc commands described above, the scancel command can be used to manually signal a job. Typically, this is used to remove a job from the queue. In this use case, you do not need to specify a signal and can simply provide the jobid (i.e. scancel 12345). If you want to send some other signal to the job, use scancel the with the -s option. The -s option allows signals to be specified either by number or by name. Thus, if you want to send SIGUSR1 to a job, you would use scancel -s 10 12345 or scancel -s USR1 12345.

View the queue

The squeue command is used to show the batch queue. You can filter the level of detail through several command-line options. For example:

squeue -l

Show all jobs currently in the queue

squeue -l -u $USER

Show all of your jobs currently in the queue

Get job accounting information

The sacct command gives detailed information about jobs currently in the queue and recently-completed jobs. You can also use it to see the various steps within a batch jobs.

sacct -a -X

Show all jobs (-a) in the queue, but summarize the whole allocation instead of showing individual steps (-X)

sacct -u $USER

Show all of your jobs, and show the individual steps (since there was no -X option)

sacct -j 12345

Show all job steps that are part of job 12345

sacct -u $USER -S 2022-07-01T13:00:00 -o "jobid%5,jobname%25,nodelist%20" -X

Show all of your jobs since 1 PM on July 1, 2022 using a particular output format

Get detailed job information

In addition to holding, releasing, and updating the job, the scontrol command can show detailed job information via the show job subcommand. For example, scontrol show job 12345.


The default job launcher for Gaea is srun . The srun command is used to execute an MPI binary on one or more compute nodes in parallel.

Srun Format
$ srun [OPTIONS... [executable [args...]]]

Single Command (non-interactive)

$ srun -A <project_id> -t 00:05:00 -p <partition> -N 2 -n 4 --ntasks-per-node=2 ./a.out
<output printed to terminal>

The job name and output options have been removed since stdout/stderr are typically desired in the terminal window in this usage mode.

srun accepts the following common options:


Number of nodes


Total number of MPI tasks (default is 1)

-c, --cpus-per-task=<ncpus>

Logical cores per MPI task (default is 1). When used with --threads-per-core=1: -c is equivalent to physical cores per task. By default, when -c > 1, additional cores per task are distributed within one L3 region first before filling a different L3 region.


Bind tasks to CPUs. threads - (default, recommended) Automatically generate masks binding tasks to threads.


In task layout, use the specified maximum number of hardware threads per core (default is 1; there are 2 hardware threads per physical CPU core). Must also be set in salloc or sbatch if using --threads-per-core=2 in your srun command.

-m, --distribution=<value>:<value>:<value>

Specifies the distribution of MPI ranks across compute nodes, sockets (L3 regions), and cores, respectively. The default values are block:cyclic:cyclic, see man srun for more information.


If used without -n: requests that a specific number of tasks be invoked on each node. If used with -n: treated as a maximum count of tasks per node.


Gaea has several software and libraries available. These are accessible using the Lmod module system. Use the module avail and module spider commands to see the list of software. Only modules in the /opt and /sw areas are supported at the RDHPCS level. Projects and users can install software and software stacks in their user or project spaces, that is in /ncrc/home[12]/$USER/, /usw, and /ncrc/proj locations. Those projects and users then maintain and support the software and software stacks.


Linaro DDT

Linaro DDT is an advanced debugging tool used for scalar, multi-threaded, and large-scale parallel applications. In addition to traditional debugging features (setting breakpoints, stepping through code, examining variables), DDT also supports attaching to already-running processes and memory debugging. In-depth details of DDT can be found in the official DDT User Guide, and instructions for how to use it on RDHPCS systems can be found on the Debugging Software page. DDT is the RDHPCS’s recommended debugging software for large parallel applications.

One of the most useful features of DDT is its remote debugging feature. This allows you to connect to a debugging session on RDHPCS systems from a client running on your workstation. The local client provides much faster interaction than you would have if you use the graphical client on RDHPCS systems. For guidance in setting up the remote client see the Debugging Software page.


GDB, the GNU Project Debugger (GDB), is a command-line debugger useful for traditional debugging and investigating code crashes. GDB lets you debug programs written in Ada, C, C++, Objective-C, Pascal (and many other languages).

GDB is available on Gaea under all compiler families:

module load gdb

To use GDB to debug your application run:

gdb ./path_to_executable

Additional information about GDB usage can be found in the GDB Documentation.


gdb4hpc is a GDB-based parallel debugger, developed by HPE Cray. It allows programmers to either launch an application or attach to an already-running application that was launched with srun, to debug the parallel code in command-line mode.

Information on GDB4HPC and other tools available in the HPE Cray Programming Environment is available, including a tutorial.


Valgrind4hpc is a Valgrind-based debugging tool to aid in the detection of memory leaks and errors in parallel applications. Valgrind4hpc aggregates any duplicate messages across ranks to help provide an understandable picture of program behavior. Valgrind4hpc manages starting and redirecting output from many copies of Valgrind, as well as deduplicating and filtering Valgrind messages. If your program can be debugged with Valgrind, it can be debugged with Valgrind4hpc.

Valgrind4hpc is available on Gaea under all compiler families:

module load valgrind4hpc

Additional information about Valgrind4hpc usage can be found in the HPE Cray Programming Environment User Guide.


HPE Performance Analysis Tools

The HPE Performance Analysis Tools are a suite of utilities that enable users to capture and analyze performance data generated during program execution. These tools provide an integrated infrastructure for measurement, analysis, and visualization of computation, communication, I/O, and memory utilization to help users optimize programs for faster execution and more efficient computing resource usage.

There are three programming interfaces available: (1) Perftools-lite, (2) Perftools, and (3) Perftools-preload.

Below are two examples that generate an instrumented executable using Perftools, which is an advanced interface that provides full-featured data collection and analysis capability, including full traces with timeline displays.

The first example generates an instrumented executable using a PrgEnv-amd build:

module load PrgEnv-amd
module load perftools

export CXXFLAGS='-ggdb -O3 -std=c++17 –Wall'
export LD='CC'

make clean

pat_build -g io,mpi -w -f <executable>

The pat_build command in the above examples generates an instrumented executable with +pat appended to the executable name (e.g., hello_jobstep+pat).

When run, the instrumented executable will trace HIP, I/O, MPI, and all user functions and generate a folder of results (e.g., hello_jobstep+pat+39545-2t).

To analyze these results, use the pat_report command, e.g.:

pat_report hello_jobstep+pat+39545-2t

The resulting report includes profiles of functions, profiles of maximum function times, details on load imbalance, details on program energy and power usages, details on memory high water mark, and more.

More detailed information on the HPE Performance Analysis Tools can be found in the HPE Performance Analysis Tools User Guide.

Tips and tricks

GPFS (F5) Performance

The Gaea system intermittently has issues with the GPFS F5 performance. This typically appears as file operations hangs in interactive sessions, and as jobs taking longer than normal to complete, or time out, as any jobs on Gaea currently experience longer than normal run times. While we do not yet have an underlying cause for this, we have found certain changes to the user’s interactions and workflows that use the GPFS F5 file system help alleviate the problem.

Files accesses by multiple jobs

Users should not have multiple batch jobs access the same files. This is typically done using hard- or soft-links. Accessing the same file from multiple batch jobs increases the load on the metadata servers (MDS), and can lead to a MDS locking up that affecting all files served on that MDS.

Users should clean up files after the job runs successfully to ensure the file system has enough free space for all user’s jobs.

Software Environments

Users should not store software environments, for example Conda, Python, and Spack, on the GPFS file system. These environments have many small files that will be accessed from multiple compute nodes when used in batch jobs.

These environments should be stored in user’s or project’s home space, /ncrc/home[12]/$USER and /ncrc/proj/<project> respectively. If the environment is to be shared by several users or groups, the environment can in the /usw. Please open a help desk request to establish a location under /usw.


GPFS F5 should not be used for development. Development should be done in the user’s home space. This is especially true if using a source code management system (e.g., git).

Users should remember that GPFS F5 is not backed up. The user home area is backed up, with hourly and daily snapshots.

Known issues

The following is a list of issues we are currently investigating on the Gaea system. Please contact the RDHPCS support team for new updates.

Open issues

GPFS file system performance

We are investigating several GPFS (F5 and F6) performance issues. We have discovered that some slow read performance is likely tied to the GPFS file compression. We are working with ORNL and IBM to gather more information and for a resolution.

Data transfer performance

We are investigating an issue with transfers from Gaea to the GFDL archive system. This affects large transfers (files larger than 2TB), and the overall transfer performance. At this time, we believe transfers initiated using the Globus transfer app are not affected. We suggest users transferring large files to use Globus until a resolution is discovered.